Sunday, November 12, 2006

Feeling Sorry For Myself

UPDATE: The doctor discovered I was having ann allergic reaction to the ointment he gave me. Common to be allergic, according to his nurse. Nice he gave us the tube and told us to use it three times a day knowing it causes common reactions, but he failed to mention that part.....

I had the eye surgery Friday. I had to wait until yesterday to take off the huge bandages. They said eye will be very bloodshot (check), hurt (check) and be "overcompensated and turn in too much at first" (nope, that sucker is straight). I looked and looked at it. They stay perfectly straight with very little effort. But when I totally relax them, the one they did the surgery on still wants to turn out about ten degrees. I wanted to cry.
So the doctor calls me to see how I'm doing. I said, "I don't see double. I see perfect, but it's turning out slightly when I relax, and I am afraid we will have to do the surgery again." He said not to worry yet. Right now, everything has to heal. It can take two weeks to see what we end up with.
But ya'll, I still think I'm going to have to do this again. It's not right. And I can't say I'm looking forward to it. I'm still choking down hydrocodone and thinking how bad it hurts when they wear off. How's it going to feel after poking in there again.
I'm feeling very sorry for myself right now. I'd sit down and really cry but I think that would hurt too much.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that your eye hurts. I found a strabismus support group -- maybe they can answer your questions/concerns.

Gillian said...

I hope your eye is feeling better now. I think you have every right to feel sorry for yourself--that is understandable. Hope it all works out so that you don't have to have more surgery. Take care.

Freebird said...

Hope you're feeling better.

Cathy said...

Ouch!! Don't go thinking the worst. Just deal with what you are going through now and getting all healed up. I'll keep my fingers crossed that once you are healed you will be happy with the results of the surgery.