Thursday, November 23, 2006

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged. Seems I have to admit to being weird. Even have to list a few ways in which I am weird. Not a problem cause that is a long list! If I tag you, be sure to play the game.

According to the rules… each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you”. People who get tagged need to write to their blog their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly:

“In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blogs that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments section and tell them to read your blog for more information.”

Ok, six weird things about me....

1.) I can do algebra upside down. In the past, I owned a tutoring center and I sat across the table from my students. I used a dry erase board and wrote upside down so they could read it. My husband said to add that I do algebra for fun in front of the tv at night. He says thats very weird.

2.) I can't sleep in a quiet room. I have a sound machine and sleep to loud rain every night. I also have a teddy bear my husband gave me that I sometimes curl up with. Yes, that's true.

3.) When I was a child, I ate one thing at a time until it was gone, then went to the next thing. For example, all my potatoes, then all my meat, etc. Now, I am not quite that bad, but I still don't like my food to touch each other.

4.) I won't drink milk anywhere near the expiration date, but will eat million year old chocolate when I find it. ha.

5.) I can't stand my money wadded up. Dollar bills have to be flat in my wallet. My husband stuffs his change into his pockets. Drives me nuts when he pulls out wadded up bills.

6.) I hate wire hangers. I throw them away by handfuls when the dry cleaning comes home. No Wirrrrreeeee Hangerrrrrrrrs.

Ok, tagging six people is going to be hard, since Cathy tagged about everyone I know. Some of the people who read my blog don't have blogs, but can answer the tag in comments on mine. I tag Plumbtuckered, Bev, and the next four people who see this who haven't already answered. If you read my blog and have never commented,now is your chance to comment and let me know how weird you are. (If you read my blog, you've got to be a little weird...:-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy, it's me Debbie (aka glasslady). Since you have become such a wonderful friend I figure I may as well let you in on my list of weird things.

1) I clean when I am upset or mad. I can really get a mess cleaned up quick, all it takes is someone making me mad!

2) I too, need (or prefer) sound to sleep. I don't even mind snoring, it actually soothes me to sleep.

3) I iron almost everything - even my old ratty tshirts, wrinkled clothes drive me crazy!

4) I worked at a grocery store for years and I have to stop myself from straightening shelves when I shop!

5) This may not be exactly weird, but it is a big part of who I am. I love to volunteer. I cannot say no to helping with a fundraiser or charity event.

6) I am with you on the money thing too! No wadding!

Freebird said...

I sleep with a teddy bear too.

Gillian said...

OK, I'm tagged and need to think of 6 weird things about me:

1) I feel less stressed in a room full of strangers than I do in a room full of people who know me;

2) I feel guilty about almost every bad thought I have about anyone else; it doesn't make me stop having bad thoughts though, but I still feel guilty

3) I have never had my ears (or any other part of my body) pierced.

4) I have never owned a dishwasher.

5) I wish I could get paid for going to go to school and I would just go forever--I really love school.

6) I am very non directional--I have a hard time remembering which direction is north and south without thinking about what direction is the sun and what time of day it is. When I was in grade school the desk faced south but the top of the map was north and that messed me up for a sense of direction for the rest of my life.

OK that's IT!