Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

It's sort of funny to think about making New Year resolutions when you're fifty. By this age, you've made the same ones long enough to know you won't keep them anyway, so you try to get realistic and think of things you might really do to make your life better.

I'd like to be nicer to people this year. I'm nice to them on the outside, always, but inside, you wouldn't believe the venom I can spew at them in my mind. ha.

I made a resolution to pay more attention to my writing, which I've really been procrastinating on lately. I want to finish the book I started, but I doubt daily whether anyone would be interested in it. I know Nora would, so she will probably be the one I ask to read it first before I try to submit it to anyone. She likes ghost stories, and the book is about our experience in a haunted house back in the 70's. I've still only written the first four chapters and they are rough at this point. I was asked to submit for two anthologies coming out and didn't finish the stories for either of them yet, with deadlines looming. So maybe I can actually keep that resolution.

My resolutions should be to be more assertive, take up for myself, speak out when I need to, get angry without feeling guilty, and stop people pleasing. But at fifty, I am pretty sure any changes there won't take place in one year. Maybe I can make some progress on them.

My son went to look at an apartment Friday. He will probably be moving out in the next month or so, now that he's graduated and has a good job. Of course, I'll miss him and worry about him, just like I do the other two. I used to think when they grew up, I could relax and not worry, but now is no different then when they were trying to walk and I had to keep an eye out to make sure they didn't get hurt. I still feel like I'm doing the same thing, even though they are almost 29, 25, and 23. I like being a mama, though, so it's ok that I worry.

We're not going anywhere for New Year's Eve. I guess I'll just sit here with hubby, MIL, son, and two dogs and watch television. Happy New Year! Whoopee..........


Gillian said...

Happy New Year to you! I need to be nicer (kinder) on the inside too. I will try...and complain less to my husband and be grateful for all his good and generous traits...

Forest Lady said...

Yes, Gillian, it makes a big difference when you have a good hubby. I'm sure glad I have mine. I wouldn't trade him for the his mom...that's a different story. ha!

Freebird said...

Good for you for speaking up for youself. I probably have the opposite problem. I speak my mind too often and too quick.

I'd love to read your story. I love ghost stories even though they creep me the hell out!

Anonymous said...

By the time your MIL leaves you won't be able to do anything but sleep for a week. It's one thing to have to cook and clean and entertain another person but, when that person plays on your last nerve, it's too much.

I wouldn't worry about her complaints at dinner. Sounds like she is the type that can't be satisfied with any situation. Just take a deep breath and look forward to next week.

Forest Lady said...

Oh, you can bet I am looking forward to next week!

Michelle said...

A book? About ghosties? That you are writing?!! My mouth is watering!!! Even more so at the fact that it's based on true experiences!!

Can you tell? I'm practically wiggling in my seat with giddy!....that is if you wouldn't mind me reading your story, as well.

Sorry to hear about the MIL experience. Can she not cook? Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Is she gone?