Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Golden Rule, Dr. Phil and Oprah

If you read my blog and not my daughter's, I have news! My soon-to-be grandbaby is a girl! I tried to tell them this from the beginning, but as usual, no one listens to me. ha.

The lady who did her ultrasound thought the baby's heart and stomach looked too close together, and is sending her for more tests. She also said it could just be the way the baby is lying, and people I've talked to since seem to think that is a pretty common thing. But still, we will be worried until we actually get things checked out. My husband took off work and he and I are going to go down there and be with her and hubby when she has the tests on Tuesday.

We have several tv shows we watch a lot. One of them is "My Name is Earl," although I think it was probably a better show at first than it has been lately. However, Thursday night, they did have one funny line. Randy, the brother, was trying to convince a group of people that he wasn't prejudiced against black people. He said, "I like black people. I have black friends! I even like Oprah when she's acting black."

Which confirms my opinion that Oprah has tried to appeal to her mostly white, suburban female audience for so long, she's become more white than black. She's also become a rich snob, which rich people don't have to be. No, they make a choice...I'm rich now...Should I be a snob? No, I can be a nice person and rich. I guess Oprah just bought too many Burberry purses and Uggs to be down-to-earth anymore... I read where she is on the outs with Dr. Phil, because he hasn't been "sufficiently grateful" since she gave him his fame on her show. "Sufficiently grateful" just means he hasn't kissed her butt. You go, Dr. Phil.

I do watch Dr. Phil, even though many days he makes me so mad. Like when he was filming one of those backstage interviews, walked into the room he wanted to use, and found it was occupied with camera men. Instead of saying, "Hey, ya'll. (He's Southern, like me.) I'd like to use this room. Would you please leave us alone," he said, "Get OUT. Get OUT NOW." I guess he might have gotten too famous to be nice anymore either.

Not too long ago, he had a guy on there who had made videos of beating up homeless people. The Doc acted so high and mighty how he wasn't going to give air time to this guy so he could exploit people. I did notice though, the show aired...Who's exploiting who? I guess when it all comes down to it, my old employer was right about the Golden Rule...He who has the gold makes the rule.


Michelle said...

A girl!!!! Congratulations!!

Forest Lady said...

I didn't take it to mean intelligence, but her shopping habits, the way she acts like a white suburban princess, etc.

Forest Lady said...

Hey you can be ornery with me any time you need to. Better me than your clients! On second thought, take it out on the crazy women at the spa!

Forest Lady said...

P.S. And what I said was she was "acting black" not "acting white". :-)