Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Our Wee Little Angel

My husband and I went with my daughter and son-in-law today to visit the high risk pregnancy clinic, and the doctor there confirmed that our baby has CDH (congenital diaphramatic hernia), which means her little diaphragm has a hole in it that will have to be repaired after her birth. We had all been praying/hoping/pleading that it would not be anything except the way the baby had been laying for the ultrasound before this one.
I had been so worried all week, and have had this on my mind constantly. Yesterday my friend brought over a DVD she wanted me to watch called Facing the Giants, and my husband and I watched it last night. It was about fear vs. faith and trusting God through the hard times. Before I went to bed, I prayed that God would take care of my daughter and her baby, but I was still upset/worried/scared.
We got up this morning at 3AM to travel to her city to go with her for the test. When I woke up, I had such peace about the whole thing, and I told my husband in the car that the baby does have it, and we have a rocky road ahead of us, but the baby is going to be fine. I just felt that so strongly.I still do.
Then after we got the news when I was sitting there talking with my daughter about the negative prognosis they had given me at HER birth, and how she turned out fine, I had an image that someday, she will be telling her daughter the same thing. I just know she will. Our baby is going to come through this like a little trooper, and Granny will be there to love her and spoil her every day of her life.
So today, the hardest part for me was just seeing the emotions on my daughter's face, and knowing she was scared and I couldn't fix it.
On the movie, it said that the Bible says over 350 times, "Be not afraid." If it wasn't so important for us to remember that, God wouldn't have reminded us that many times. (He knows I'm hard headed.)
So our tiny Claire Elizabeth (my Claire Bear) is going to be fine. And I'll be posting pictures of her on here in the not too distant future.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is bittersweet.....and thanks for the little bible lesson. I didn't know that about the over 350 times to not be afraid.