Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just More Stuff

I've worked so hard the last few weeks on the house that this week I've taken a break and have just been reading and catching up with friends on the phone. My daughter and her baby are on my mind a lot and I am praying for a miracle in that situation. Together with two friends of mine, we are planning her a baby shower in April. I rented the clubhouse in our subdivision because it will have more room than this townhouse. We still haven't heard on the results from her amniocentesis but I think it will be fine.

Someone did something really nice for us this week, and I wanted to share. I bought her two outfits for the baby from a seller on Ebay that was selling some new things. I still hadn't gotten an invoice from her last week when I had to go out of town for my daughter's ultrasound, so I wrote a short note explaining the situation and told her I would pay her as soon as I returned, which I did.

She wrote me back and said that she was going to get together a "few more things for the baby" and how she was praying and believing God would take care of this baby. Yesterday I got this huge box filled with baby clothes and also a Precious Moments doll for baby Claire. She doesn't even know us but she reached out and was so kind and generous. She said she knew God did miracles because he had done one when she had her baby.

I watched Gray's Anatomy tonight and won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet but it was sure a tear jerker. I think I went through half a box of Kleenex, over a tv show! That is one of my favorite shows. I'm still hanging in there with Lost, even though I threaten to stop watching it weekly.

My daughter has reunited with her dad, and although that was a big deal for me and I resented him so much two weeks ago when all this came down, now it doesn't seem like anything. I just want my grandbaby to be ok. I guess other things become really insignificant when you face something big.


Anonymous said...

My new philosophy on Lost is to ignore the commercials. It's ABC that's ruining it. Yes, it is a bit annoying that they kep bringing up new mysteries and not answering anything. But, it's the stupid commercials promising "your top 3 questions, answered!" and they answer NOTHING that is the most annoying.

Gillian said...

I'm glad you told us the story about the seller on Ebay. It's great to know that there are people like that out there, and I'm glad she reached out to you--as a sign to keep having faith in miracles.
I also understand how some things that were so seemingly so important become insignificant when a situation reminds us of what's really important.
I will continue to keep your grand-daughter in my prayers.