Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bunnies, Babies, and Books

My hubby leaves tomorrow on his trip. We spent part of the day shopping for some last minute things he needed to take. I plan to spend tomorrow doing some heavy duty cleaning around here.

Since my son moved out, we now have an extra bedroom, bath, and a huge walk-in closet. Hubby is a collector of all types of military planes, ships, tanks, etc. and plans to spend his retirement putting them together. He's got about twelve huge storage tubs of them. They filled our bedroom closet, filled underbed storage boxes, and were spilling over into the bedroom. I was feeling like I was in a war zone (pun intended).

Now he's moved them all upstairs and I've got closet space again, so I can do some more organizing. I realized I've always had this freaky feeling when I started straightening up because there was no place to put anything. Now that I'm getting things in better order, it's not a big deal because I have a place where the paperwork goes, the magazines go, etc. The one thing I've been holding out on was my books. I have way too many bookcases and know I have to pare back somehow, but it's traumatic. ha.

My daughter and SIL came over yesterday and we went to a baby sale. I found a high chair to keep here for the wee one when she arrives. My husband went nuts buying Fisher Price toys, for the baby (he says, but he was playing with them. ha ha) After our shopping, we went to lunch with my son and went back so my daughter and SIL could see his new apartment. He has the living room fixed really nice, and even has a projection tv with surround sound, so it feels like being at the movies, but more comfortable! He bought some dishes yesterday because he was tired of eating on paper plates.

I know today is Easter, and we didn't have anything special for lunch or go to church. We are having boiled shrimp later, and as expensive as fresh shrimp is around here, I guess that qualifies as special. And we watched The Ten Commandments so we're not complete heathens.

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