Thursday, April 05, 2007

What Turns Me On...That's Easy...Air Conditioning!

Someone slap me the next time I declare something "better not be that high next time." Our central air ended up being the compressor. We had to get a whole new unit. This was was $2500, so there went my anniversary present but at least we're cool now. Broke but cool....
My husband is going to be gone on a business trip next week and I have some time to myself. I'm going to not cook ANYTHING, not wear MAKEUP, sleep and eat when I WANT, have total control of the REMOTE, sleep as much as I want, and do whatever I please! For someone as introverted as me, this can be my anniversary present. ha.
I went to see the counselor today. Just when I think I'm figuring out this counseling stuff, she throws something on me that totally confuses me. Today she decided I needed to start recognizing emotions and I had to complete sentences like, "I feel worried when...., " "I feel scared when..." "I feel overwhelmed when...." I guess a normal person could do that, but I sat there like a deer in the headlights and had no idea what to say.
Then she asked me, "What does worried feel like. Describe feeling worried to someone who doesn't know what it is. Give me a picture of what worried would be."
She also gave me a sheet of paper on which she had drawn a "guilt bag" and I'm suppose to fill it in with things I feel guilty about. It's a big paper but she said I could turn it over and write on the back if I needed to. ha. See, she knows me pretty well by now. Guess I'm easy to figure out to everyone but me.


Anonymous said...

I'll trade emotions with you. I could easily finish all those sentences and spend hours doing it.

Too bad you had to fork out all that money right when we are being hit with a cold spell.

Anonymous said...

Oh don't wear makeup any day. What's the point.

It seems that I'm you reincarnated. When I was 8 I was tested to get into the gifted program for the district. Part of the test consisted of me sitting in a room with a woman and she made me do all kinds of things. One question was "name as many things as you can in 1 minute." I remember sitting there, visibly looking around and only naming things that were in the room, as though I couldn't think of "things." And I thought to myself, "What are you doing, you could have named 100 things by now" but I still wouldn't do it.

Needless to say I didn't get in. And the woman told my mom, "I think you're daughter is very smart but she's too shy." And this was after being rejected the prior year for the same reason. The next year they wanted to test me again, and my mom said no way, I wasn't any less shy so what was the point of putting me through it only to be rejected.

Shy-haters suck!

Forest Lady said...

Amy, I figured out a long time ago that you were a younger version of me. Cathy, if you know the answers maybe you can send me a cheat sheet. ha.

Anonymous said...

No wait, I know the answers!

"I feel worried, scared & overwhelmed when I have to be around people."

Exercise over.

Forest Lady said...

Hey Amy, I'm writing that down now. I'm prepared for next week. ha