Thursday, July 05, 2007

Weekend Plans

I spent the day doing some shopping at the fabric store, doing some secret shops, and making some baby blankets. My daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter will be here tomorrow for the weekend, and we are excited to see the baby. I think my next sewing project will be to attempt some more jeans.
My friend that is going through the divorce last heard that the judge had canceled their court date because she felt "they were so close to settling everything and should go into mediation." That was the last thing her lawyer told her. That was over six weeks ago, and since about that time, her husband has been giving her $100 a week child support for eight children. Yes, eight. When she asks, pleads, begs to him about it, he simply says he has bills of his own to pay and she will just have to manage.
She made over twenty calls to her attorney, was told first he was out of town, then that he would return her call, and eventually, she just started being sent to his voice mail. She was at a loss. I am no expert on legal matters, but I do know she has a woman judge who went through a divorce herself. I told her maybe she could go up to the courthouse and plead her case with the clerks in the circuit court's office and see if anything could be done. They told her to draft a letter and they would present it to the judge. I helped her write it. We basically said everything I just said above, plus the fact that he had enough money to move his new girlfriend into the house he still jointly owns with his WIFE, bought his girlfriend a car, and my friend can't manage on 400 a month for eight children.
She got a letter back from the judge's office. It was a copy of an order that her attorney set up mediation immediately, and that the next court date was set for the first week of August. Attached was a note from the clerk saying they had contacted her attorney and he said he was no longer her attorney. This was the first she had heard of that. Her lawyer agreed to take the case for a set amount of money rather than hourly, and he decided he wasn't making enough on it, so he dropped her with no notification. She has called numerous attorneys and has been told they either "don't handle contested cases" or that they need a big retainer, which she does not have. So she has cried for two days, and I have no idea what to advise her, except to show up on the court date in August and explain her situation. She is so intimidated by the whole thing. It's such a shame that it is this way.
I have a doctor's appt at 2:45 with the podiatrist. I've never been to a podiatrist, but I think I have something wrong with my heel because it hurt all the time I was walking at the hospital. When I sit it feels fine. If I just walk around the house, it's ok. But when I get out and walk at a store, etc. it swells and throbs. I don't even know what a podiatrist does when you go, but I guess I'll find out.


Gillian said...

Enjoy your grandbaby!

Anonymous said...

Her attorney can't quit without giving written notice to the court and her. He has to do a "notice of withdrawal" that will go in her file. Unitl he does that he is still her attorney whether he wants to be or not. Plus, the first thing her attorney would have done would be to ask the courts that her husband pay all his fees. Sounds like she had a sorry attorney with a poor work ethic.

You just have to love the family court system Alabama. Tell her to call her local legal aid office. The court clerks should be able to give her the number.

I hope you have a great time with Claire. Lots of love and hugs and cuddles.