Tuesday, August 28, 2007

He's Got Gas

Ok, I couldn't resist sharing this one. We were coming home from my son's house, which is about a thirty minute drive by interstate. On our way home, I notice my husband did not get onto the on-ramp for the interstate but instead was going on the two-lane highway.
Me: Where are we going?
Him: Home.
Me: This way?
Him: Yeah, they have cheap gas at the station down here.
Me: Hmmm...Ok.
He pulls into the gas station, which is packed with cars, and finds the only pump available has an out of order sign taped to it.
Him: Well, %^**#!
Me: Can't we just get it at the station by our house?
Him: Wait, that guy is almost done. I'll wait on him.
Five minutes pass...six....seven...Guy has finished pumping gas, has gone inside, and finally comes out with a sack, pulls out. My husband wheels in.
Him: Something is wrong with the pump. It won't take my #$%@! debit card.
Me: Why not?
Him: Says it's not reading it, and I have to go inside.
Me: So?
Him: There's a long line in there.
Me: Why don't we just go home? We've still got a half a tank anyway.
Him: But I wanted to get this cheap gas.
Me: Well how much is gas at the station by the house?
Him: It's $2.58 a gallon.
Me: And here it's...$2.55?
Him: Yeah.
Me: How many gallons does your tank hold?
Him: Fifteen I think.
Me: So you'd be buying a half of a tank, let's say eight gallons, and you'd save...24 cents.
Him: What?
Me: Yeah, you drove the long way home, sat here twenty minutes now, and all to save 24 cents.
Him: You're sure? Twenty four cents?
Me: Yeah, plus it costs us extra for taking the long way home.
Him: (Grunts). I never thought of it that way. (While shooting me that dirty look that says you women ruin all the fun we men have driving long distances and burning up several dollars worth of gas to save less than a quarter. Geez.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would laugh but I totally do that. Not with gas, but with other stuff.