Sunday, August 26, 2007

Toxic Abusive Relationships

I wrote an article awhile back for Associated Content. It was interesting doing the research for it, because I have been in the middle of a dysfunctional relationship and found it very difficult to see the extent of the control when I was smack dab in the middle of it. Other people could but not me. Anyway, I thought it was a good article, but nothing that would generate much attention. As of today, that article has had more hits than my other fifty articles put together, over 25,000 hits. I guess a lot of people find themselves in relationships they make excuses for, and need a checklist of ways to tell how sick it really is. Anyway, the article is here.
Think back to the sickest relationship you've ever let yourself be involved in, and see how it stacks up to the list. Hopefully, you're not in one now.


Gillian said...

Thankfully, not my current marriage--first marriage yes, but not this one. At least I've learned.....

Mommy said...

Hey Forest Lady,
I read your post on my blog and it's soooo funny that your daugher calls lactation consultants nazis because that's what my cousin calls them, more specifically boob nazis. As for the cabbage leaves: it works! I've done it. It totally freaked my husband out and I laughed for two days afterwards whenever I thought of it.