Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Same O Same O

Tonight, we watched America's Got Talent. This whole time, until tonight, I wanted Julianne to win. But tonight, we changed our minds and want the ventriloquist to win. He's really good. I can't stand that Butterscotch Beat Boxing girl. She's so in love with herself, she doesn't need the rest of us to.

I'm still doing my bible study thing, and the Hebrew. It's really interesting. Much more than I thought it would be.

There is a possibility my daughter, her hubby, and our granddaughter might be moving closer. I'm trying not to get my hopes up until we see. I sure hope they do.

My friend that is getting the divorce still has not gotten anything settled. They were scheduled for mediation, and then two weeks after that they had a court date. Her "almost -ex" called to postpone the mediation the night before saying he didn't know about it until that day and he had to go out of town. Therefore, they canceled it and postponed the court date, too. The only good news is he has moved his girlfriend back in, and I think that will help my friend's case a lot.

I'm still not any closer to finishing Harry Potter 3. I just have to find some time. I hate starting and stopping.

Not much else happening around here...same 0...same 0.

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