Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dog Days and Halloween

My doggie has a blockage and several bladder stones. The vet just called and said they will have to perform surgery this morning. They hoped to be able to dislodge the blockage with a catheter but were unable to after several attempts. They were able to get a fine catheter by the blockage and at least give him some comfort. He said when the dog has a blockage, the kidneys stop functioning correctly and the dog gets uremic. He hoped to get that under control before surgery but doesn't feel he can wait and wanted me to know he's not in an optimal position health-wise to do surgery on. They began the surgery at 9:30AM this morning. So now we wait. I've thought of going down to the vets office and sit there but their waiting room is tiny and I'd be in the way. There's nothing I can do there I can't do here. I'll be worried either way. He said Rags will be in the hospital for at least several days.

Halloween is tomorrow night, and since I was thinking about my doggie, Rags, I happened to run across this picture and thought it would be cute to include. We bought one huge bag of mixed candy in case some children come by. We had quite a few last year. I'm surprised people still let their kids go to the doors of people they don't know, but they do.

I'm glad my kids grew up when Halloween in one's neighborhood was not something you had to worry about too much. We were always warned to look through their candy and not give them anything unsealed, but other than that, they had nice Halloweens. Many of the churches in our area have trunk Halloweens, where different church members park in the parking lot and open their trunk and the kids go from car to car with their parents collecting candy from each car. I guess when my granddaughter gets older, my daughter will have to just have Halloween parties and invite all her friends.

Tonight we begin our classes at the Reform temple, one night each week for six weeks. My husband works in that city, so I'm going to meet him over there and we can have a quick dinner before the class begins.

Well, I can't keep my mind on this writing since I'm so worried about my dog, so I'll end this post here, but I hope all of you have a nice Halloween.

Update: At noon I called and was told Rags is still in surgery. I hope that means they didn't get started right after the vet called and not that he's been in surgery all this time. I'm still waiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope he's okay!