Friday, April 18, 2008

Drunk NutJob Again and a Shopping Addiction

The only thing worse than my kids moving away is when one of them calls and tells me they've had a car accident over two thousand miles away. My heart was in my throat until he assured me he was ok. Evidentally, with all the rain in Seattle (he said every day for at least part of the day) the traffic on the freeway flows then stops for no reason and causes lots of accidents. He was rear-ended while sitting in traffic. He has a new Toyota truck. The girl that hit him totaled her car, and she did about $2000 damage to his truck. While he was on the phone with 911, another three car pile-up happened right in front of him in the other lane. He said it was bad, and he was pretty sure people were hurt in that one. They were still trying to get the people from those cars when he finally could leave.

My youngest son says he's trying to get a radio gig in Seattle, so he could be moving there, too. They tried to get him before, last year, but he was under contract and couldn't take the offer. Now his contract is about to be up.

Passover starts tomorrow. I think all Christians should celebrate Passover, and not just Jews. I don't understand why it's not a Christian holiday. I'm still so confused on the Jewish thing. My husband is, too. On one hand, we love going to temple better than anywhere we've ever been. There are so many of the beliefs we totally accept as truth. Then there are others we just can't seem to get past.

I am officially on every other week therapy now. I'm making progress. I even am beginning to see it. It's much easier for me to take up for myself. I always could stand up for my kids, but not for myself.

I wrote awhile back about the drunk nutjob guy who kept calling my cellphone, trying to get in touch with his ex, Brenda. He called again today and left me a ten minute message on my voice mail, this time X-rated. He thinks he can "get her off better than anyone," and then he tells her how. But what killed me was the way he began his conversation with the ex he is supposedly trying to get back, saying, "You son-of-a-B*tch, I love you." Now would that make her want to run back to his drunk ass or not?

I have officially lost 34.5 pounds now. I've gone from a 22 to an 18 and they are loose now. I have a long way to go, but I love this low carb thing. It's easy once you get used to it.

I watched QVC for thirty minutes today and almost had to tie myself up to keep from ordering two purses I saw on there I loved. The woman had me convinced my life would never be the same unless I called in for them. And they were on easy pay! I finally turned the channel. They are such addicting shows. My youngest son once said, "Hey I was watching that QVC thing, and this woman had me convinced I needed these diamond earrings, and I don't wear earrings." See? I think it's hidden subliminal messaging. You know what they say, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you." ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The mother of my high school boyfriend used to watch QVC with a notebook and would write down the numbers of items she wanted. She showed me once, the notebook was FILLED. She even gave him a number to buy my christmas present.