Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thirty-seven Pounds Gone!!!!!

This weekend we are going to visit my daughter and her family in Tennessee. My husband and I are really excited to spend time with our granddaughter. It's hard to believe she'll be a year old in June.

My husband had his physical this month and his lab work came back better than it ever has. He's always had high triglycerides, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, etc. Now that he's lost 48 pounds, he's got all normal test results. This is with eating things like bacon, creamy salad dressings, cheese, butter, cream, etc and cutting out starches and sugars. Just the opposite of what you'd think, right?

I just noticed today that it looks like almost every townhome on our street is for sale. Not ours. I'm not planning to go anywhere. When I bought this back in 2000, my mom said townhomes are hard to sell. I told her I loved it and didn't intend to ever sell it. I still feel the same way. To me, it has character. I can think of things I'd like to improve, but I love it anyway. When I married in 2003, I told him he'd have to be willing to sell his house and move here, because I didn't want to leave. He liked the idea of no grass to mow (homeowner's association takes care of the yard) so he was all for it.

I'm so glad Hillary won Pennsylvania. I hope she wins the nomination.
I finished reading Love in the Time of Cholera. I don't recommend it. I'd give it three stars. I was very glad when it was over. I kept thinking it would get better, but no such luck. I'm not sure what I'm going to read next.
I weighed this morning and have now lost 37 pounds. I'm so happy! 37 down, and a billion to go.

On the View, they said it has been reported in a study done on happiness, that the older people are, the happier they tend to be. I think that's probably true. You give up some of that freaking out over what everyone is thinking, you get to know yourself, and you begin to forgive yourself for not being perfect. And you begin to really appreciate your family and friends. They said the number one criteria for happiness was close bonds with family and friends. Not winning the lottery? Wow.


Anonymous said...

Yay on the weight loss!

Unknown said...

We have early voting here in NC so Hillary already has my vote!

Forest Lady said...

Go Lorene!