Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Still Low Carbing


Anonymous said...

You stink too! You and your daughter!

Cathy said...

I'm proud of you. I should try the low carb thing. Does it involve cooking in anyway? Someone should open up a low carb carry-out place for people like me.

Forest Lady said...

In case anyone wonders why Amy says my daughter and I stink (ha), my daughter posted on her blog that she is now back to her pre-pregnancy weight.
As for the low-carb thing, I cook a couple of times a week, but we eat take out a lot. It basically is just cutting out the sugar and the starches. We found a low-carb bread, popsicles, yogurt, pasta (Dreamfields). I have a great recipe for a low-carb pizza but we have been known to order a loaded Papa John's pizza and just eat the top and not the crust.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is NOT back to her pre-pregnancy weight. She's LESS THAN her pre-pregnancy weight.

Forest Lady said...

I think breastfeeding is helping with her weight loss, too. Even though she's probably lost too much. Her brother told her he could feel every rib when he hugged her goodbye. I'm sure if we'd been to ITALY, like SOME people, we'd not be losing weight. ha! I'd trade a few pounds for a trip to Italy.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, just go read what I just posted about my husband!