Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring Forward

Saturday, we took my friend, Dawn's, son and his friend to my daughter's to help with their moving. Between her hubby, my hubby, the two boys, and a man who works with my son-in-law, they unpacked three PODS, unpacked part of the kitchen, and put up the beds. It's a beautiful house with a nice yard and I know they will be happy there. We noticed a many backyards with swing sets, so it looks like our granddaughter will have lots of playmates when she's older.

She's crawling all over the place now, and pulling up. I stole all her sugar while I was there, and watched her bounce in her bouncer and swing in her swing. She was happy to have a new room.

Today, I did a couple of secret shops, and then tutored the twins. My friend came by and we all watched an animal planet show about lizards that squirt blood out of their eyes to deter predators. The kids thought nothing could be cooler than that.
I had ordered the twins a book each from Amazon awhile back, and had them delivered to their house.

My friend has one boy, age 9, still at home (and six girls!) and he followed me around, looking pitiful, until I finally asked him, "Isaiah, what's up?" He shifted from foot to foot looking at the ground and said finally said, "Miss Kathy, I want that big truck to bring me a book, too. I don't have a book of my own." He looked so precious. I asked him what kind of book he wanted. He said, "Well,'s gotta be cooolllll, you know? And not now, but BACK THEN. And have a good guy and a bad guy and swords and a war and stuff." This book is now on the UPS truck on it's way to his house.

I hope he likes it. When I was his age, there were no readers in our family. My sixth grade teacher taught me to love reading, but I always wished I had books in my house like there were at school. Of course, in adulthood, I've made up for that in a big way.

When I was coming home this afternoon, I spotted these birds in my back courtyard and snapped some pictures. They were very patient with my camera skills. They are a great reminder that spring has sprung. Does anyone know what kind of birds they are?


Anonymous said...

They are mourning doves.

Cathy said...

That bird looks as if it is posing for you. The photo is beautiful.

I know Cindy is so glad to be in a house. I saw the photos on Claire's photo page. It is a great house and a nice neighborhood. They will soon be settled in and making new friends.

The Tuckered One said...

That was very sweet of you to get him that book, and it looks like you picked out a "cool" one.

Anonymous said...

Looks like mourning doves to me too. I love how graceful and pretty they are.

Syl OBC2