Thursday, October 30, 2008

Money From Home, Spaghetti, and Furs

When my kids were small, I would have given anything for a way to make money at home. Now with a computer, it can be done. Of course, back then, I didn't have a computer.
So now I do a few different things to make money.

I write for Associated Content. They pay per page view now, and I get about $40 a month for articles I have stored on there (haven't written anything new in awhile.)

I enter stories on That is where I recently won a $1000 in their writing contest for October.

I do secret shopping for Marketforce and Shoppers Critique.

I sell things on Ebay occasionally.

And I do surveys for Mindfield. (The surveys pay $1-$3 or so each. When you get $10 in your account, you can request a check, or you can let it build up more and get a bigger check. I usually cash out every $10.)

And this sounds so cheesy but my husband gives me an allowance....He has a direct deposit going into my checking account every two weeks, not a lot but some spending money. We also keep a joint chkg for bill paying, but he pays the bills and I don't use it very often. I like having MY money.

Now and then, I think of going back to work, but thankfully, it's a fleeting thought that passes quickly. :-)

My middle son still has not found a job. He had a telephone interview yesterday, so hopefully he'll find something soon. I'm really worried about it. My daughter says being in Management Info Systems is a good field, and he should find something.

My best friend's ex is getting married this weekend. Their divorce has been final for about ten months. The new wife said my friend did not respect her husband because he said she didn't keep the house clean enough. I want to go over there and knock some sense into her. However, I rest assured that being married to his butt will knock some sense into her quickly enough. ha. I asked my friend how she felt about him getting married, and she said she couldn't care less. I don't know if I really buy that, but I hope for her sake that it's true. He's a royal JERK.

We watched Obama last night. Here (Don't know if it was nationwide), the audio and video feeds didn't match. Drove me crazy trying to watch it. I'd want a refund if I paid out that much and it was messed up like that.

I ordered a faux fur coat on Ebay. It's long and white and looks like ermine. I love it. I put it on and feel like a movie star. Then I look in the mirror and feel like a polar bear. Not sure who will win out but I know I'm going to enjoy wearing it. It's warm, too! No, that's not me in the picture. That's the Ebay photo.

My youngest son bought a new red convertible. He's really a big deal now. ha. He sold his motorcycle and truck to get it. I was thrilled the motorcycle was gone.

Well, Tuesday is voting day, and it's the first time I really don't want to vote. Yes, I will though. I have to go cancel out my husband's vote.

Well, I'm actually cooking tonight, so have to go start the spaghetti sauce. Me, cooking...what is the world coming to?

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