Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dead Tree Readers

I belong to a yahoo group for the Kindle, the e-reader I got from amazon about a year ago. I love my Kindle, carry it everywhere in my purse, always reading in waiting rooms, in the car, etc. However, I'm not against reading regular books, as some books are not available on the Kindle. I find I usually read three or four on the Kindle and then one from my bookcase. (I'm trying to get from four bookcases to one.) However, some people on the yahoo group are really Kindle-ites.
Today I read a post where a reader refers to his mom who prefers paper and ink books as a "dead tree reader" "behind the times" and "living in the dark ages."
With book stores being added to the stores with falling profits, and news articles reporting that young people are not leisure readers, I am just thrilled anyone likes reading. Out of my three children, I have one reader. Thank goodness my "reader" is also raising my granddaughter to be a "reader" too.
I can't imagine my life if I had not loved reading from a young age. It was a form of escape for me during a lot of hard times. I still have mental lists of hundreds of classics I want to read before I die.
Yesterday I spent the day with my dad. His Alzheimers is about the same. He told me about when my uncle was a POW in Germany, although he began by saying HE was he POW, but eventually the story evolved to being about my uncle and not him. My step-sister passed away Friday night and we went to sit with Daddy while my step-mom went to be with her son-in-law and the rest of the family. Daddy reminded us when we got there that Shirley died. Then in awhile he said my step-mom was at the hospital sitting with Shirley because she is in bad shape. I keep thinking I could be like him one day. My husband reminds me that my mom is about the same age and sharp as a tack and I could also be like her.
Anyway, I plan to kick up my "want to read" list and get moving on it. We are going to the funeral home this afternoon. For many years my rule has been that I dont go to funerals. But I am better emotionally now, and I think it will be ok. My step-sister was 65 and died of a stroke. I wasn't very close to her as she was married and had children of her own when my dad and her mom married, but she was a nice lady.
I started keeping a prayer list in a little organizer in my purse a few weeks ago. It started with three names, is now up to nine, one came off (my granddaughter is feeling better after her ear infection.) It seems like so many people are struggling with finances, sickness, and other troubles right now. I feel very blessed to not have any needs of my own on the list right now. No needs but a lot of thank you's. I guess God still loves us "dead tree readers", too.

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