Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Weekend Again

My husband has been home all week sick with a cold and ear infection. So far, I haven't gotten it. He went to the doctor Monday, was given an antibiotic, was no better and went back today. He now has another antibiotic to take WITH, not INSTEAD of the first antibiotic (ever heard of such a thing?). Our weather has been so screwy, it's no wonder everyone is getting sick. In the 60's one day, below freezing the next, etc.

I posted awhile back that I write to a young man on death row, and that I used to work with his mom. He recently wrote and asked me to call her, gave me the number, and said he was worried because he hadn't heard from her in so long, no card at Christmas, etc, and wanted to know if she was ok. I called and the number he gave me was disconnected.

I remembered another lady who was a good friend to her, and called her to see if I could find out anything for him. I left her a message on her machine, and she called back and left me a voice mail saying she told his mom he was worried, his mom has changed her number, and that is it. Didn't say the mom would contact him or anything. I didn't expect her to give me the new number, as it may be unlisted or something (even though we used to be really good friends and just lost touch when we both took other jobs, never had any kind of a falling out). Now I wonder if she is upset that I am pen pals with her son or something.

I think it was Amy who commented awhile back that maybe his mom had just written him off. I guess that is possible. I guess I will just tell him I passed along his message but was not able to find out anything else.

The carpet guys cleaned my carpet yesterday, and now that it is dry, it looks dirty. I am on my "I hate carpet" kick again, and had a long talk with the other ladies at cards the other day about hardwood vs laminate vs tile. I have to admit I am leaning toward a vinyl or resilient floor for my living room. When my mom retired and built a new house on the river (which my sister now has), she put vinyl throughout. She said it was so much easier to keep clean, which it was. My grandmother had vinyl tile throughout her house when I was growing up. I have looked at Trafficmaster Allure flooring that looks like wood. I really think that is what I am going to do. Especially after talking with the guy at Lowes about what they recommend to care for laminate. (I thought laminate could be mopped; he says no, you need this kit and this stuff, and this, no mopping.)

We went tonight to see Defiance at the movies. Good. Really good. When we got there, I waited in the lobby while hubby got tickets. He came in and said the heat was out in the theatre showing our feature, but he got tickets anyway. I almost froze to death. Brrr.


Anonymous said...

I use the Swiffer Wet on my laminate. I don't get it sopping and it hasn't caused any problems. Granted, I only swiffer when somebody is coming to visit, which is like once a year, so maybe that's why it still is okay.

So who did your pen-pal murder? Maybe it was somebody close to the mom and that is why she just can't bring herself to talk to him.

Forest Lady said...

No, it was a girl he met at work. The girl had a policeman boyfriend and my pen pal had a wife. When I worked with his mom, he was awaiting trial (he awaited trial for seven a half years) and his mom was very emotional and worrying constantly about the outcome. She seemed like any concerned mom. His mom thought his wife had killed the girl and he took the blame for it so his daughter would have her mom. He still repeatedly tells me how his daughter, who is now twelve, needs her mom and how his now ex-wife is such a good mom. Of course, my hubby and I have wondered about the policeman...finding out she was cheating...who knows.

Cathy said...

I'm thinking about putting the trafficmaster allure in my bedroom instead of the hardwood.

I went and looked at it today and could hardly tell the difference.

I love not having the carpet but there is more work keeping the new floors clean.

I used to vacuum once a week and mop my kitchen on Saturdays. Now I have to dust mop every day and mop the entire first floor twice a week.

At least I'm getting a good workout twice a week!

I thought you were one of my facebook friends. For some reason I can't find you on my friend's list though. Did you de-friend me?

Forest Lady said...

Cathy, No, I went inactive, which I think means I canceled the whole thing. I was getting all kinds of email and just never went on there very often. I have been reading reviews of the Trafficmaster and people love it. I also went to look at it and love it. I remember my grandmother getting up every morning, running her dust mop over her floors, dancing around and singing, and then shaking it out in the backyard.

Forest Lady said...

Amy I love my Swiffer. (OMG, I sound like a stepford wife...I think I will go bake a bundt cake...)

Cathy said...

Your grandmother was a better woman than I am. No dancing and singing while I'm dust mopping this darn floor.

If I weren't so busy I might enjoy it more and it does bring back childhood memories.

If I got rid of Sam I probably wouldn't have to do it every day.

I didn't care for swiffer. I need something to rinse and ring out. Too old fashioned I guess.

Forest Lady said...

I don't mind the wringing out, but I hate the old, germy, wet mop and having to find a place to let it dry without it smelling musty. I hate wet mops sitting around on the patio. So I stick with my Swiffer for that reason. I can throw away the pad after I am done. Yes, I'm a little OCD.