Thursday, February 05, 2009

Six Words-- What Are Yours?

HarperCollins has a new book out called "Not Quite What I Was Planning" (I know you should underline books but there is no underline button on this blogger thingie) by Larry Smith, in which people write their life stories in six words. For example, one man wrote, "Seventy years, few tears, hairy ears" which of course, illustrates for us clearly that he has had a long life with a few bumps along the way, yet has managed to keep his sense of humor. I also liked this one, "After Harvard, had baby with crackhead." Whew.
It made me think how I would sum up my life in six words, since I have never been a person of few words. I tend to talk things to death, as my ex-husband once said, and was right.

Maybe I would say something like "Novel Life, Skipping Pages and Skimming."
I feel like no one would believe the things I have experienced in my life, but it would make a great novel, and I've done my share of skipping over things I should have paid attention to, and skimming through parts I should have lingered on.

I also thought of "Rooting for Outcasts, Feel Like One." As the counselor once said, I always have a heart for the victim or black sheep of society. Am I not the one writing to a death row inmate and defending people just because they are attacked by others' comments, even when I feel they may deserve it?

How about "Wife, Mom, Homemaker, Looking for Wings." Even though I am happy with my life, I would always like to do something really important and soar for awhile.

I also like, "Mind Open, Eyes Closed, Charging Ahead." That would explain why I get off on such tangents and hit so many brick walls.

One more, "Chocolate, naps, living the good life."

Now, here is your challenge. Tell me some of yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I assume in a few weeks mine will be, "There are too damn many babies."