Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolutions

1. Lose weight. I bought scales. I weighed. I almost passed out.

2. Begin walking at least two mornings a week. I figure that's a good attainable amount of days.

3. Don't buy anything on credit and don't buy another book until I read what I have.

4. Save more money for Christmas next year.

5. Clear all clutter downstairs and quit griping about the upstairs. I can be happy if I really try, with half the house being clutter free.

6. Go to church regularly.

7. Be nicer to my husband.

8. Spend more time with my friend, Dawn. She would love to have a regular weekly lunch, which I should be able to do, and know I would enjoy it.

9. Enjoy the time I have left with my parents. Let the past go and see my sister.

and 10.
Take care of myself emotionally. Speak up for myself. Express my honest opinion when asked instead of going along with everyone else. Allow myself to rest when I'm tired without guilt.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the book thing. I have more that I haven't read than those that I have.

Cathy said...

You are funny about the clutter issue. I hope you are never exposed to my garage.

So, which resolution do you think you won't be able to keep?

Forest Lady said...

The only one I figure I'll keep is Number 8. Since I had peanut butter pie with a steak dinner, loaded baked potato, I figure number one is not a good bet. ha.

Jammie J. said...

Oh dear! I'm working on that buying the book thing myself. I keep seeing new books that I want to read and remembering that I have about 12 (maybe more, I'm not confessing!) books that I still need to read on my unread shelf of books. Yes, my unread books have their own shelf. *blush*

Your #10, I am happy to say, is something I've become better at over the last few years. For me, it has more to do with fear of making others sad/disappointed/angry/causing conflict than it does articulating my thoughts. Once I realized that, I realized that if people can't tolerate the fact that I have my own thoughts/opinions/needs (yes, I like slashes), then maybe I shouldn't count them as part of my inner circle of friends.