Sunday, May 17, 2009

Short Update

Since I went off the low carb diet last fall, I have gained and my eating is out of control. Last week I went to an OA meeting. I used to go years ago when the kids were little, and I'm starting back.
I know for me, diets don't work long-term. I have to do something drastic. I'll let you all know how it goes. I haven't overeaten since last Wednesday. That's a big thing for me, the queen of binges.
We got a new printer. Ours konked out a few weeks ago. I didn't know how much I used the printer until I didn't have one. My son came over last night and installed the new one. We can use it wirelessly from both laptops. I'm always amazed by technology.
My granddaughter will soon be two. My husband and I were talking about it last night and we were both amazed it had been that long since she was born. Seems like just yesterday I had called him to come get me so we could rush off to the hospital. She is growing so fast and looks more and more like her mom did at that age every day.

1 comment:

Jammie J. said...

Oh, dear, I'm so sorry you struggle with binges. I'm proud of you for doing something about it. Support groups are wonderful things.

I know what you mean about how fast the little ones grow. 2006 was the baby boom in my area and I can't believe all the babies that were born in 2006 are turning THREE already. How did that happen? I feel so old sometimes.