Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bye Mama

Saying still here is saying a lot considering the year I've had so far. After losing Daddy in January, my mom had a heart attack on April 9, and she died on April 10. I was able to see her at the hospital before she died, which I missed with my grandmother, so for that I am grateful. I'm still feeling shock from all this. It just doesn't seem real. I don't think that's a bad thing, though. I think if the realization of all of it hit a person at the same time, they couldn't handle it. They say God only gives you what you can handle, so I guess he knows I'm at my limit. Mama went very suddenly. The doctor said it was a blood clot in her heart. She's with my step-dad now, and I can't think of any place she'd rather be.
My sister and I are talking and are much closer now. I went out and spent the day with her Tuesday. We spent the morning talking and then had lunch. She's going to teach me quilting this summer. I'm not too crafty, other than drawing, but not sure that qualifies. I used to do cross-stitch back when it was the big thing, but have run out of walls to hang anything.  My eyes are not sharp enough to see the patterns anymore. I do need something to occupy my time, though.
I really do appreciate all of you who have sent your condolences. It means a lot to me.
My daughter had surgery yesterday, for an ovarian cyst that ended up being on her tube and not her ovary. So they took part of the tube and left both ovaries. Hopefully this will make her feel better as she has hurt from that sucker for years. We are here spending time with the grandchildren. My son-in-law has to go back to work on Monday, so we are going to stay and help out.
I feel like my life hasn't been normal in a long time. Hopefully it will go back to some semblance of normal at some point. I just feel so scattered, and usually some routine to my life calms me down.

This is the picture of my mom that my niece put on her casket during the funeral. She was always feeding folks. 

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