Saturday, April 06, 2013


"I'm going crazy, oh crazy, oh crazy,
I'm going crazy, cause that's the way I'm going!"
--Granddaughter's original song, age 5
You tube video

I want to add a verse!
Her grandpa's at the wheel, driving me there.
When he retires, I'll be nuts but won't care!

Can you tell how my weekend is going? I take special notice of my weekends now. I figure they are a glimpse into the future, four years from now, when he retires. It's not a pretty picture. Ha.

If things continue as they are, we will spend our golden years watching TV and eating Girl Scout cookies. He will get up now and then to go to the bathroom, and will pause the TV at the good part, then stay in there two hours.
Or...he will scrunch up his nose when I mention a Lifetime movie, will put on some car-screeching, exploding, screaming war movie in a spaceship....and then hold onto the remote while he lays back and goes to sleep and snores loud enough to rattle the windows. When I attempt to confiscate the remote, he will get angry, say he was most definitely NOT asleep, and If I thought I heard snoring, I must be hearing things... Oh, I'm going crazy oh crazy oh crazzzzy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I am laughing so hard at this post!