Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Retirement Has Happened

Well, B has been retired a week now. There's an old saying that retirement gives you twice as much husband and half as much money. That is certainly true but it has not been a bad thing having him home. He seems so much more relaxed not to have to deal with work stuff.

He and I went out to eat on Friday (by ourselves!) and I urged him to start making his own decisions on what he wants to do with his time now that he's retired and not let his mom take over. She is very bossy to him and has already begun talking about how he needs to get a volunteer job somewhere soon. He said he would not do anything he didn't want to do.

I've learned a few things about dealing with her. Mostly I've learned to just listen and nod and then do what I want to do anyway.

I'm seriously considering putting an end to therapy. It's been years and I dread going now. I believe I will talk to the therapist about it the next time I go.

My step-sister and step-mother keep calling me, and I'm not answering the phone. I've done this several times and today they left a stern message about how I wasn't staying in touch, and needed to, etc etc, and how they hadn't heard from my sister either. (That's her business.)

I was really feeling guilty, ya'll, that I haven't talked to them when they call. But then I came to a decision about that, too. My dad is gone. And my stepmom has never liked me, or treated me nicely. So I am done. I figure if I ignore them long enough, they will go away. They will probably talk about me to whomever will listen, but eventually they will write me off.

So I am in the process of changing some things to make life less stressful and that's a good thing. Maybe this retirement thing can be good for both of us.

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Sounds like you have great "plans" that will work well with your husband's retirement.
