Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

The doctor put me on a new antidepressant a couple of weeks ago, because he and the counselor both agreed that I was "so obviously depressed." I don't really seem to recognize the symptoms of depression in myself. I can tell when I am improving though. For one thing, I bought hair color and crest whitestrips at WalMart. I haven't colored my hair in awhile and the gray is really showing. I hadn't really cared. I'm also getting dressed every morning and combing my hair. I hate to say it but before the medicine I was staying in my robe many days, and didn't even think about my hair unless I had to go out, which I avoided at all costs. So I think taking an interest in my appearance is a sign that the depression is better.
For another thing, I get up in the morning and get antsy if I sit too long, so I've been getting more done around the house. Before the medicine, I'd look at the house, do what I absolutely had to, and sit back down most of the day. So feeling like cleaning is another sign.
The third thing I notice is I'm not sleeping as much. I hardly ever take naps anymore, and they used to be a daily thing. I could have stayed in the bed all day and that would have suited me fine before the medicine.
Fourth thing is I don't seem to be brooding as much. When I am depressed I seem to dwell on everything bad in my life and how lousy I've handled it, etc. Today I felt like, hey it's not perfect but I haven't done too badly overall. So my "perception" has changed.
Fifth thing, my husband says I'm not as quiet. This is something he notices, but I don't. He says when I'm depressed, I don't talk at all, unless he asks me something. He says now, I actually have conversations and not just the ones I force myself to have when someone calls I'm trying to bluff about how I'm really feeling.
So even though I don't really notice when I'm depressed when I'm IN IT, I do notice when I'm doing better. However, it makes me feel like I'm screwed up somehow to need to take medicine to feel normal. The doctor explains its a chemical problem with me, and the pills give me what I need, but I always feel like a nut case to say I need antidepressants.

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