Sunday, June 19, 2005

Wild Weekend

Well as wild as things get around here...
Thanks to my friend, Cathy, I submitted several articles to Associated Content and three of them have been accepted for publication. The others are still pending. I made a list of possible articles that I have some expertise in and was surprised at how many came to mind. I haven't been paid yet for the two short stories I sold, but I knew I wouldn't be paid until the publication date in August. I think I need to spend as much time as I can on my "regular writing" and then fill in when I have time to submit articles. Anyway, it's exciting. Thanks to Cathy.
Vertigo and balance problems are both better. I felt well enough Saturday to go with my husband and son to the IMAX in Nashville to see the new Batman. I am not a great lover of superhero movies but I LOVED it. I think it was the best movie I've seen all year. If you haven't seen it, go!
I have my new camera but haven't been able to take any trips to really use it yet. I'm thinking one day this week I'll get out and go to some places here in town where I can really try it out.
The therapist recommended two books this week, so I linked them. I haven't read either of these, but read the reviews and people on Amazon love them. I'm behind on my reading, and have shelves of books I need to read.
If it sounds like my wild weekend was pretty boring, well this is real life, not the movies. Most real life is pretty boring. Maybe not "boring" as much as "routine". But I like routine.
I asked my husband if he had to describe me to someone, what would he say? He said...."Quiet"
Hmmm... I sure don't sound quiet from my blog, do I? Yak yak yak.

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