Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cross Eyed Vision

Developing your vision? Setting goals? Most people, even if they don't officially make a list of future goals, at least have some idea of the direction they want their life to take. This is much easier to do when you're young, because if it doesn't take the road you plan, there are so many other avenues available. At birth, all roads are open. As we mature, we close some roads and some close by themselves. For instance, I'll never be a figure skater. I went skating once, stood up, immediately fell down, and broke my wrist in three places. No, figure skating is not for me. I'll never be a movie star. I have strabismus occasionally, of which I am self-conscious, and I'd be too afraid of someone getting a picture of me with one eye wandering. I'll never be a great singer. Just don't have the pipes for it. And some doors I closed for myself.
However, there are still many things open to me. The problem comes in deciding what I want to do. I think my biggest problem is procrastination. I'd rather think about doing something than actually do it. Anyway, if you're wondering where all this talk came from, I watch Starting Over and Iyanla Vanzant, the famous life coach says you have to "define your vision for yourself."
My vision for myself. Hm.. I want to watch my kids live happy lives. I want to be a life-long learner. I want to express my creativity in whatever way strikes me that day, painting, crafts, writing. I want to be a generous, giving person. I want financial security and the means to be able to travel, try new foods, experience new things. I want to stop worrying so much about the past and start looking toward the future and enjoying the second half of my life.
So I guess I do have somewhat of a vision statement. So.....where do you see yourself being in YOUR life ten years from now ?
My quote of the day, "Think of all the women on the Titanic who passed on the dessert cart."


Nan said...

I love the quote, and believe me I'll use it often.

I don't know where I see myself ten years from now. There's so much I want to do. I don't always self start, and sometimes need a deadline to make myself do my best. I do know one thing. There's a lot of fun, interesting things awaiting if I can kick myself into gear.

The Tuckered One said...

"As we mature, we close some roads and some close by themselves."

I'm starting to see this happen in my own life and it's scary how one decision can drastically affect everything else. Should I change jobs, should I have kids, should I call this person, should I distance myself from that person?