Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I Hate Carpet - 200th POST

P.S. I know you are suppose to put the postscript AFTER what you write, but here it is anyway. After I wrote this, I realized it's my 200th blog post. And I wasted it talking about stupid carpet! So I started to delete it and start over, but then decided it actually is a pretty good picture of my life as it really is. So I left it. Plus, I'm pretty proud of myself for actually writing 200 of these things. Didn't write my pulitzer prize winning novel, but definitely did some blogging!

I'm sitting here basking in the quiet!
I bought a carpet cleaner awhile back, and cleaned the family room carpet last night. It is dry this morning and came out looking as good as the steam cleaner guys get it. I have decided carpet has to be up there on my list of "hate this stuff". There is no way to keep it clean. What we pour out of the catch tub looks like mud, every time, no matter how often we clean it. Years ago, my mom built a new house when she and my step-dad retired. She said she wasn't going to put carpet in it, but put wall to wall vinyl. Everyone thought she was nuts, but every time I clean this stupid carpet I think she was probably smarter than I realized. What I really want is hardwood or laminate throughout the house, with area rugs I can pick up and take to the cleaners. But since our home owners insurance screwed us on our claim by imposing a huge additional "wind" deductible we didn't know we had, our roof repairs will probably take over any new floors I might have my eye on. Enough about floors.
I finished Memoirs of a Geisha, so now I'm waiting on Tara Road to come from Amazon. I swear I think I keep Amazon in business. I begged my ex many years ago to let us invest in Amazon, when no one had heard of Amazon. But since he hadn't either, he thought that was a bad idea.....
My husband had bought me some hot rollers as part of my Christmas, but since I whacked off my hair, I have to go return those today. I also have a gift card from Hobby Lobby burning a hole in my pocket. So I might actually venture out of the house (shock!) today. Other than a little shopping, I'm planning to sit on my behind as much of the day as possible. No better way to bring in the new year. ha.


Freebird said...

YAY! Ding dong the witch is gone, the wicked witch is gone. Heehee. Sorry! Let the packages arrive!!

My BF asked a while back how I would feel about his mom eventually living with us one day cause he wouldn't be able to put her in a nursing home when that time came.

Of course, this was before all the blog fiasco went down. NOW my feelings are -- hell, if a nursing home is good enough for MY mother, it's good enough for YOURS!! :-p

Forest Lady said...

Yes, my ex's mother used to say I was the only daughter-in-law she had that was "worth a damn" because she didn't like the other one. I wondered what she said to the other one about me.
I've been very lucky so far. I love my daughter's husband to death because he has made her very happy, and I even like the two boys' girlfriends, except one of them is a tad whiney...but that's another story...

A Girl From Texas said...

I loved Memoirs. I think it's so unbelievable that a man wrote that story.