Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ohhhhhh Little Rock

I made a call to my father on Thursday. I haven't seen him but once in five years. I thought it's time I forgave him and his new wife and try to develop some kind of relationship as adults not a child and parents. I told them I would be out to visit on Saturday.
Thursday afternoon my youngest son called. He said he had a lot of congestion in his lungs and felt bad. I told him to call the doctor and go in to see him. Friday I call to get a doctor's report. No answer so I left a message. Saturday morning, another call. No answer. Around noon, that son's girlfriend called. She said he called her Friday night after he got off work saying he was "really feeling bad" and thinking of going to the ER. After that, she had not been able to get in touch with him. I sat down and called and called and called and finally, about an hour later, I packed my bags and headed out to Little Rock, Arkansas, six and a half hours away.
I made it to Memphis and got a call from him. "No Mom I'm fine. I don't know why she worried you. I'm really feeling better. It's just a cold. YOu don't need to come. I have so much stuff to do. I haven't cleaned my apt. You'd be so bored here." Etc. Etc. So faced with what to do, I figured I was about half way there, so I might as well turn around and come home. I drove from 1:30 PM until 8 P.M.
Then this morning, same son calls back. Feeling worse, fever, chills. I get back on the phone and call all over Little Rock for a walk-in clinic open on Sunday. He finally found one and went. He's on antibiotics and cough syrup.
Then my stepmom calls to tell me how I disappointed my dad because he had been watching for me all weekend.....
I've had a good week since I last posted the one about the neighbor guy. I told Cathy, I'm excellent at denial, and since I have to go to the counselor again tomorrow and talk about the conversation I had with my mother, I figure I better enjoy my denial as long as I can. I feel like Scarlett.
My husband brought me flowers tonight. He knew I'd had a bad week. He's a sweetie.

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