Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Last Time

Don't you think it's ironic how the last time you kiss someone, you never know it is the last time? And then you break up, and a month or so later, you think back and realize it was, and you wish you'd paid more attention.
There was a lady who used to manage the apartment complex where we lived when my children were little. She was a newlywed, and one morning she and her new husband got into a big argument. Her last words to him as he went out the door were, "I hate you." He was killed in a head-on collision on the way to work. She had a nervous breakdown and that was the last I heard of her. We just never know the last time is the last time.
So I think we have to just make sure everytime our loved ones leave, we tell them we love them and hug them like it's the last time. In case it is.


Cathy said...

We always say I love. Heck, Taylor goes out to ride his bike and we yell, "I love you." I think the habit was developed while married to a pilot. I was so accutely aware of the fact that something bad could happen during his normal work day that it became very important that those be the last words he heard when he left the house. It carried over to my children and over the last several years my sister and I say it every time we talk or see each other. Even my stupid BIL. He may be stupid but I still love him.

Freebird said...

That's really sad. I don't say it enough. I was raised in a household that never said it. I've heard it from my mother once and never from my dad. It would be VERY WIERD if they started saying it now though.

Queue_t said...

I stick to this rule at my house too. we always try to leave with an I love you because you just never know.
