Thursday, September 21, 2006

Rabbit Trails and Abductions

It's very difficult to lose weight when your husband isn't. I made grilled fish with steamed veggies for dinner last night, though, so there! I wonder when I lose this if I'll be like those people who quit smoking and gripe at everyone else for smoking. I don't know but yesterday my pants kept sliding down and I kept having to pull them up while I was out doing my secret shopping. I've noticed I feel better this week, seem to have a little more energy.

I have the idea for a book about the haunted house we lived in back in the early '70's. I had considered it, but thought I would need a lot of background information about the house. A man disappeared from the house, and it was found he was kidnapped and murdered. However, the night he was abducted, he was staying with his children while his wife worked, and they were sleeping in their bedrooms when he was taken. His wife's comments were, "He would NEVER go off and leave those children." Well, I'm here to validate that. He never did. Anyway, I had no idea of the date it happened, and since this was over 35 years ago, I figured it was hopeless anyway to track anything. I decided to try to write our local research librarian and see if she could help.

We've been exchanging emails for awhile, and she'd chased a few rabbit trails with no luck. Yesterday, she wrote and said for me to come by. She had over forty pages of newspaper articles about the kidnapping, murder, and the case that followed. I guess I have no excuse now, not to write that book. So that's my next major project.

I gave up on crocheting. I skipped my class yesterday. I'm officially a crochet class drop-out. What an example I am setting for my children. ha.

I have decided I am going to color my hair again, when things slow down around here, and I have time. I'm thinking something in the red family. What do you think?

I still miss my friend, Cathy. I hope she'll feel like blogging again soon.


Cathy said...

In the doctor's office on Monday there was a woman sitting and knitting while waiting. I told her I could crochet but failed miserably when trying to learn to knit. To me, knitting is in a different class than upper class and harder than crochet.

She laughed and said she tried crocheting and couldn't do it. Said she ended up with a huge knot of yarn and a lot of frustration.

So, maybe you should try to learn to knit. Those who can't crocket, knit, those who can't knit, crochet.

I think I'm feeling better. I've been off my antidepressant now for five days and I feel so much better than I did. I think the med I was on was just not right for me. Now I'm questioning starting the new one she prescribed. One of the side effects of the new one is weight loss so I'm thinking I'll be giving it a try just to see if it will help me shed a few pounds.

The Tuckered One said...

My sister-in-laws and nieces all knit, and say it is easier than crocheting. They make a lot of scarves and things. I've never tried to knit or crochet -- they both look pretty complicated to me.

Gillian said...

It sounds like you've been sticking to your diet very well. That extra energy is a wonderful thing. My husband is always saying he is going to go on a diet, but continues to buy unhealthy snacks that tempt me while I am home. This is the best I've done in a long time, so I hope I stick with it. I've had some health problems recently that reminded me about my mortality and that I'm getting older, so it's given me incentive to get active and eat healthier.
A story about the house you once lived in and the mysterious disappearance sounds extremely interesting to me.

Freebird said...

What else did you find out? I'm curious too.

Congrats on the baggy pants.