Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sailing....Take me Away.....

Well, I need a change of scenery. I'm tired of this house. I thought, we need a vacation. So I looked online at Carnival Cruises out of Mobile, because we can drive there. They had some great specials. I thought, hmmm...maybe before I book I should call and ask hubby if he can get off work. I tried, ya'll. I really tried but he didn't answer work phone or cell phone. Must have been in a meeting or something.

So...I looked on Carnival again. Only so much you can find out from a website. Decided to call and get a real live person. Well, he was a very nice person, named George. He said my husband gets a discount because he used to be an Army officer. He said if we were willing to go RIGHT AWAY, we could get a reallllllly good deal. I love sales, don't you? So I booked one, leaving October 9 for 5 days to the Carribbean for a total of...get this....$430 bucks taxs included. That's total, for both of us.

I was just so excited! Then I remembered, I hadn't told my husband about this. What if he can't get off work? What if he doesn't want to go? What if he kills me?
So I called him, and said, "Can you get off work...let me rephrase that....You have to get off work the week of Oct 9." He said he'll put in a leave slip and beg. Gotta love him. He didn't ask me why or what brought this on. Guess he needs a vacation as much as I do.

I joined Weight Watchers yesterday. I compared my weight from them to my weight at the doctor's three weeks ago. TEN POUNDS. I'm so proud.
I know what you're thinking. Well, she'll gain that back on the cruise. No I won't. I'm going to be good. I'm going to walk a lot and watch what I eat and have a good time and come back NO FATTER. Ya'll encourage me on this.

Has anyone seen the Oprah shows where she and Gayle go cross country? If you have, do you think Oprah could be any more of a SNOB QUEEN? She whines: "I don't like the radio. I don't sleep in rooms without windows. I don't like Gayle's singing so I'll humiliate her on national television and tell everyone she's tone deaf. I don't know how to pump gas and haven't done it since 1980."

I learned a lot from their trip. One, if I ever go cross country, it won't be any roads she might be on. Two, the only reason Gayle is her best friend is for the perks, because otherwise she's a bitch and 3) I guess it's not possible to be rich and not an ass.


Gillian said...

I bet you felt wonderful that you have lost 10 pounds. That is great! I have several friends who have done really well on weight watchers, so I hope it works for you.

Sounds like you have something to look forward to. Hope your husband can get off. What did he think about the cruise when you told him?

My husband and I are going to get away toward the end of October to a cabin way out in the woods--only for 2 nights, but I am looking forward to it. It's my gift to myself for my upcoming 50th (that's when we will be going.) The trees should be beautiful and it will be nice to be away from everyone. We will be close to an area where there is kind of an artist colony, so we can check that out, too.

It's nice to have something to look forward to, isn't it?

Freebird said...

That's a great deal on a cruise. You'll have lots of fun. Congrats on the weight loss!

The Tuckered One said...

You're going to have a blast on the cruise. When we went a few years ago I ate a really light breakfast and lunch, then ate whatever I wanted for dinner.