Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Baby's Surgery Tomorrow

Our granddaughter is doing so well, they plan to do her surgery tomorrow afternoon (Wed). She got one of the best pediatric surgeons for this type of surgery, and so we were very relieved to get this one. They said the surgery will take about two hours, and then they will keep her in the surgical suite for a couple of hours before bringing her back up to the NICU. Keep praying, as we are all concerned.
She was resting better, but today has been arching her little back and holding her breath, trying to cry. Of course, with the ventilator, there is no sound. It is the most pitiful thing you've ever seen. My daughter cries, I cry. It's like she's mad at all the tubes and wires and not being held. We feel very helpless. The nurses are very compassionate and keep her sedated as well as they can, but I guess there will be times like this no matter what they do. The good thing is, after she gets over being mad and calms down, her levels all go back to normal without much intervention. After the surgery, they will try to wean her from the vent slowly, and then attempt to feed her by mouth rather than the IV stuff she gets now.
We are tired, but very happy she's doing so well. I'll keep writing as I can.
I've gotten so many nice comments lately on the blog, on new entries as well as old. I just want you to know I appreciate all the comments and well-wishes from new friends and old.


Gillian said...

I will continue to pray for all of you. Thank you for keeping us so informed. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to be there but feel so helpless. I read a lot about the other babies with CDH, and it sure sounds like she is doing very well. Take care and know that there are many of us praying and caring.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully things will continue to go so well!